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Her name is Krispy, she is a very good, kind, sweet dog. We asked people around the neighborhood and they said she lives there as a stray over a year but she was always afraid of people. Many times, different people tried to caught her but in vain. During the lock down because of covid 19 it seems she was very hungry and we caughted her. She is suffering from heartworm, she will receive treatment and then neuter etc. Now she has a foster home and she will never return at the streets.
Hello, I am Ermioni, and together with Katerina and Fotini, I founded the Diasozo Animal Rescue in Karditsa, Greece. We are rescuing animals that are found abandoned, abused, mistreated and starving, and we are trying to offer them a better life. We are volunteers, and our only resources are donations. We depend on all of you, to help us offer our rescues the life they deserve, so we are grateful for any donation.
Follow our facebook page for new rescues & updates:
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or email me: ermionirescue@gmail.com
*HUGE THANKS to Tom Rawlings, Helen Vile, Jerry Wheatley, Agnes Krygier, Spaceman XtreME , Frances Robb, Yiannis Efremidis, Nhan Le, Eric Siemens, Raina Spazianiand, Carla, Martin Crimes, Danesh Mir, Janet Hoffmeister, Silke Potthoff, Lille Nissepige, Emily Kliemann, Ian Thomas, Ming Hoang, Ruth Challoner, Cyndi Brewster, Janet Fitzpatrick - Wilks, Monica, Gabriela muehlemann, Douglas Goodall, Rebecca Shepherd, Christina Jones, Kelly Robinson and all our patrons!