The state of messiness shows the personality of a person. People start considering you as a lazy and disorganized person. So it is never too late to clear the mess around you, and the easiest way to do it is to make a time table. Make a ‘To-Do List’ and follow the rules we have listed down to declutter your surroundings successfully.
If you think that you can clean your house in an hour or two, then you are in the wrong way. Organizing the stuff is not rocket science. It needs proper time, attention, and care. Try to work in smaller portions. A great tip is to cut out an hour or 30 minutes from your schedule and see the magic.
How to organize if the room is packed with items?
You can’t organize a room that is stuffed with so many things. The only way to do it is by getting rid of the new stuff. For quick decluttering, bring four containers in the room to classify your stuff into four categories.
In the first box, you can keep the stuff that you want to shift to some other area of your house. For example, you need your hair spray and brushes in the next room, put them inside the box.
In the second box, you can keep the stuff that you want to exchange or sell in the market. There are a few things in every house that are of no further use, but they are too expensive to give away. The best way to get a good deal is to sell them online. You can use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, eBay, or any other application that sells used items.
The third box should be filled with the stuff that you want to donate or give as a charity as you don’t or will never use them again. Clearing such things can create a functional space in your room.
Use the fourth box as a dustbin where you can freely throw the garbage or trash items. Use it frequently as you need to delete a lot of undesirable stuff from your house.
What should I prioritize, cleaning, or organizing?
Contrary to popular thought, cleaning is required before you start organizing your stuff. The reason is very clear. If your room looks clean or there is no dust on the things, it will provoke you to arrange them as well. On the other hand, a dirty room will demotivate you, and you will not be able to accomplish the decluttering goals. So clean it properly and stay inspired. Put more energy and clear the space for yourself.
Tips to keep your room Clean and Organized?
The best way to stay away from the hassle of messiness is to set things in the right positions. After organizing, you will have a clear view of how to start the cleaning process. Let’s say if there is a teacup on your desk, you may move it to the kitchen. If your family is having difficulty in finding the things in the new places, you can mark or label them. For this, use a label marker or use different colors to highlight the names.
After you have everything in its position, it will be an easier job for you to clean the room. You can use a vacuum cleaner to wipe the floor. Remove the dust from the shelves and cabinets. There are online cleaning services for those who hate cleaning themselves. So plan your budget and start cleaning today!
How Decluttering a room affect your personality?
If you have all the stuff streamlined, you will surely feel happy. A clean room has a significant impact on one’s personality. You will feel free to do your tasks, and there is no threat of stumbling due to the tangled wires. Additionally, you will not have to spend hours while searching for your items. So, there is no chance of getting frustrated. If your guests or friends come to visit you, they will also praise the condition of your house, and you will again feel contended.
Wrapping Up
Organizing your house is not a challenging task if you divide your work into small portions. Declutter and clean each room on its turn. Give one hour of your routine, and within a week, you will notice positive changes in your surroundings. Get rid of the useless items. Use cable sleeves, wire holders, and cord clippers to organize the wires. An organized house is a blessing in disguise as it decreases the stress factors and promotes a healthy lifestyle.
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