
Qingdao-Jinan Passenger Railway bridge girders replaced in six hours

Qingdao-Jinan Passenger Railway bridge girders replaced in six hours Only five and a half hours! Girder replacement of the Fengjiazhuang No.2 bridge of the Qingdao-Jinan Passenger Railway was successfully completed in the early morning of April 21. It is the first time beams have been replaced in a curved section of a double-track railway in China. The new girder weighs a total of 460 tons, which is the equivalent of 10 medium-sized passenger planes.
With a designated speed of 200km/h, the Qingdao-Jinan Passenger Railway offers train service from Qingdao to Jinan, both in Shandong province. For elongating service life of the bridge and ensuring the safety of train operation, constructors selected the best girder replacement plan after scheme comparison. Check the video to see how we create miracles!

China speed,CRCC,Qingdao-Jinan Passenger Railway,double-track railway,China,Girder replacement,

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