
The W.H.O. Failed the World by not Recognizing Taiwan (Bruce Aylward, Assistant Director-General)

The W.H.O. Failed the World by not Recognizing Taiwan (Bruce Aylward, Assistant Director-General) The W.H.O. disrespecting Taiwan for political reasons is why the global economy has grinded to a halt, jobs are gone, and people are dying. The impact of this virus could have been GREATLY reduced if the WHO heeded Taiwan's warning.

This is why life is mostly normal in Taiwan while Europe and the United States are falling apart.

The attitude towards Taiwan reflected in this video is why the world is falling apart. Viruses don't give a fuck about politics.


"Taiwan warned the WHO and China about possible human-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus at the end of last year, but the global health body did not make it public, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said yesterday."

Source for video:


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