On Prime Time, Ravish Kumar speaks to Soumya Swaminathan, Chief Scientist of the World Health Organization about the progress that have been made so far in finding a cure for the novel coronavirus. Dr Swaminathan says that considering it is only a few months since the virus was first identified, a lot of progress has been made in designing a vaccine against the virus. On the question of global demand for hydroxychloroquine, which is reportedly being administered to patients suffering from COVID-19, she says that there is no evidence of the drug aiding in the cure. (Audio in Hindi)
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Prime Time,Ravish Kumar,NDTV india,WHO,coronavirus,coronavirus update,Lockdown coronavirus in india,corona virus,symptoms of coronavirus,corona in india,india coronavirus,mask,Covid-19 कोरोनावायरस,कोरोनावायरस लक्षण,कोरोना वायरस इंडिया,कोरोनावायरस अपडेट,भारत में कोरो,रवीश कुमार,प्राइम टाइम,WHO scientist,soumya swaminathan,vaccine,medicine,hydroxychloroquine,