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Hi! My name is Mia, and though Samantha isn’t my twin sister, we sure look like she was!
We’re incredibly close to each other and love each other like family. This connection started
before we even were born! Let me tell you all about it because it’s a really fascinating story.
Some people have called us freaks, but neither Sam nor I care.
Well, when my parents and Sam’s mom and dad were younger, they were all best friends. The
four of them had met during high school! My dad and his dad were super close and they both
liked these girls they ended up asking out the very same day. The four of them went on a
double date to the prom, and basically did everything together!
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When they graduated high school, you better believe the four of them went to the same college
and rented an apartment close to the campus so that they could all finally live together. Yeah,
they were that close! I think that’s so sweet, to have a connection like that with someone else.
Sam and I don’t really have loving grandparents, you know. That means that both my parents
and her own didn’t have much of a family. So they decided to create one of their own, with their
best friends and the daughters they’d soon have.
When my mom decided to try and get pregnant, she told her best friend about it. They decided
that they would begin trying at the very same time so that we would have the same birthday.
Isn’t that super cute?!
My dad laughed it off, not really minding as long as he got to have a son or daughter with my
mom. Sam’s dad also thought it was sweet, and so he agreed to the women’s plan. Both
couples began trying to get pregnant the same night.
My mom and Sam’s mom took pregnancy tests at the same time, holding each other’s hands
with excitement. On the third try, they both managed to get preggers! Imagine their glee!
The months went by and their bellies grew and grew. They went to have ultrasounds together,
and you bet that they shared the same baby shower.
When they finally bought their own house, they got one right next to each other. They even
removed the back fences so that we had a shared backyard. That was amazing! When Sam
and I grew up, that was the greatest thing in the world. We kind of felt like we lived together. We
slept in each other’s rooms almost every single night anyways!
The problem was, apparently, something went wrong with the pregnancy of mom’s best friend,
because Sam took four more days to be born. So we don’t exactly share our birthday, but it’s
close enough! We still celebrate together! As we were born four days apart, we break the
difference and celebrate it in the middle. So, since I was born on the 12th, and she finally came
into the world on the 16th, we always have this big party on the 14th!
Ever since we were kids, we did everything together! Our moms dressed us in the same clothes
and the same hair bands. And of course the same tiny little shoes!
It was so cute, you should just see the pictures!
Now, the truth of the matter was, Samantha was prettier than I was. It wasn’t like I was ugly or
anything of the sort, but I had a larger nose and thinner lips. We had the same blue eyes, yes,
and also the same high cheekbones. Our body type was exactly the same! We have always
been kind of skinny and petite. Our hair is the exact same, except for the color. Long, wavy and
But Sam’s hair was blonde and I was a redhead! It bothered me so much, and we didn’t quite
know what to do about it!
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