
How Fast You Can Lose Muscle From Inactivity & The Cost This Has To Your Health

How Fast You Can Lose Muscle From Inactivity & The Cost This Has To Your Health With the current Coronavirus crisis sweeping the globe forcing gyms to close down and people being kept indoors for weeks on end many people may cease exercising entirely. While this may prevent the spread of the Coronavirus it does pose some new health problems as our inactivity wastes away our muscle mass. It is more important than ever to make sure you keep active when you are locked in self quarantine for the speed at which you can lose muscle is astonishingly fast. The potential health risks the loss of muscle poses to our bodies in the future are numerous as I explain in this video.

Make sure you read our detailed article in the link below relating to this video

There has been studies completed by many researchers and one from Luc van Loon, a professor of exercise and nutrition at Maastricht University in the Netherlands I found very interesting where you can find a detailed interview from him on the Mercola website.

The researchers found that otherwise healthy young male subjects in their 20's lost 3.1 pounds of muscle mass in a single week of bed rest! And while the bed rest was completely necessary for recovery from illness or injury, they found the significant muscle loss lead to various other negative health consequences such as insulin sensitivity.

When we exercise the effect on the heart creates a series of changes to the system that increase oxygen absorption and energy production, lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels, resulting in less inflammation and significant efficiency of the body as a whole.

The danger of Sarcopenia, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and bone density loss contributing to poor posture, chronic pain, fractures and falls with the elderly cannot be overstated. Many of these things we begin to see in people who are not that old, and these factors can be well managed and even prevented by applying a well-designed strength training program.

Peak bone mass is reached at around 25 years of age and normally remains relatively stable until around the age of 50. However after the age of 50, progressive losses of bone mineral density begins to occur and as bones lose their density, becoming weaker the risk of fracture during regular activities increases.

Resistance training can actually increase calcium flow and allow muscles in older adults to perform like muscles many years younger. The best news is, what type of exercises do you think produce the greatest improvement in bone density? Body-weight functional movement.
Read the article below with stacks of ideas for exercises you can use at home during a quarantine workout

Poor daily habits of becoming less active will creep up on you over time, and it is not a broken bone or serious illness forcing bed rest that will cause severe muscle atrophy to happen, but your long periods of inactivity. The recent lock-down of many cities due to the Coronavirus pandemic could very easily see people fall into this trap as they become so sedentary sitting all day behind computer screens and TV's.
Unfortunately this unusual circumstance that we all find ourselves in could lead to a steady increase in back pain and other associated problems that come from sitting. Unknowingly many people will be rapidly losing muscle that will show no immediate concern but huge consequences in months to come. Remember once it is gone it is a long road back to getting your strength so it makes sense to never lose it in the first place.

It is not too late we can stop this and still stay isolated and prevent the spread of the virus, but we do need to understand the importance of exercise and especially adding muscle.
Other great articles to read with information relating to this video are below

And if you want a heap of workout ideas make sure you grab a copy of our Little Black Book of Training Secrets that has 101 workouts all done for you. Go to the website below to grab your copy

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