So without any further delays, let begin.
- Hello sir, good day and welcome to the show.
- How are you today?
- Sir, it’s a tradition on our show that first time guest do a brief self-introduction. So please carry on.
- Our topic for today is about how to get a teaching job in Thailand but before we get to that, let’s talk a little about the coronavirus outbreak. So sir, I would like to know how this coronavirus has affected your daily activities and your lifestyle?
- Kindly list to us a couple of changes that has taken place around your neighborhood as a result of this outbreak?
- Sir, how can we protect ourselves and our love once from catching this infectious virus
- Okay, sir. Thank you for that insightful information about the coronavirus. So let’s get to our topic of the day. To the best of your knowledge sir, What are some of the ways in which one can get a teaching job in Thailand?
- So does the time(month) in which one comes to Thailand have anything to do with how easy or difficult it would be for that person to get a teaching job?
- Let say for example that: someone has an interview, what are the necessary preparations that individual has to do?
- Okay sir, let’s say that: this individual has gotten the job. What does he/she need to do in order to build up a friendly relationship with fellow teachers and staff members in that school?
- So how should this person be a good teacher to his/her students? In other word, how should a foreign English teacher teach in the classroom?
- As a new person in Thailand, integrating yourself in to the Thai Society and understanding the Culture and Traditions can be difficult. So what should this individual do to ensured that he/she stays in line with The Culture and traditions of the Thai People?
- What are some of the things that you believe that if Foreign Teachers do, they will not only be good teachers but they will maintain their jobs for longer period of time.
- Sir, before we go, do you have anything that you would like to put out there? Maybe some advice or suggestions or just your own personal thoughts. You can do it.
Okay sir, that will be all for today. Thank you for coming on our show. We hope to have you here again soon. Thank you sir.
We have come to the end of today’s show. We hope that you will find Show insightful and inspiring.
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