TIME REMAINING of the stream: always in the GRAY timer
CURRENT SESSION: measured by the slim pomodoro timer (break and study) - we usually do 60/10 minutes
CLICK HERE FOR GOOROOMEE: info and links to the rooms! - Use this to study with others!
The time remaining of this stream can be seen in the upper right corner; we'll be sharing intermittent Forest rooms as the day goes on. I hope we all get lots done!
Discord chat for Forest/study friends:
Next livestream can be found on the schedule:
I hope you guys can understand, and thank you for studying with me!
Find me on Instagram:
TIMEZONE: Central European
Comment what you're studying below, and let's get to work.
Discord chat for Forest room/studying buddies!
Check out my blog for some resources: www.amedstudentsjourney.com
My supplies/stationery that's from Amazon can be found on my Amazon Affiliate page:
Music I'm listening to (if I'm listening): Study Music Collaborative Playlist on Spotify
If ASMR is off, music plays on loop; music credits go to Unicorn Heads - feel free to mute. Sadly, I can't listen to the music loudly, but you can find the playlist I usually listen to on Spotify!