ALSO: Due to COVID-19 YouTube took extra long to approve my videos and thus I missed out on substantial revenue. Please consider helping fund the channel and make some of that back by becoming part of my "Quint-essential" support on Patreon:
I only do per-creation subscriptions and recommend setting a monthly limit in case I upload more than once in a month (which will be rare). This is so if I decide to take a month off, I don't keep taking your money just because another month as passed!
If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: BUILD2LRN@GMAIL.COM but it will take extra time to email a link.
This is part 4 of my series on generating power from rain gutters. We're not just squirting water on a propeller, I show how to calculate the power available and harness an increasing percentage of it. In this video I actually store the power in a smartphone, something people argued could not be done!
A huge thanks to all of you viewers, but ESPECIALLY my Quint-essential patrons on Patreon. They could just sit back and watch for free but are stepping up and joining me on this journey.
Links to stuff in the video:
USB chargeable flashlight
Solar chargeable power bank
Buck converter (the one I used is no longer available, linking another, if that dies, just search for "constant current buck converter 5A" as there are plenty available)
- Ready Set Go by Magic In the Other from YouTube Audio Library
- Music promoted by MUSIC FOR YOUTUBE