
#SavContest -My Drawing for Savella’s Art Contest :D (Includes a speed-paint so that’s cool-)

#SavContest -My Drawing for Savella’s Art Contest :D (Includes a speed-paint so that’s cool-) There’s so many talented people that joined this contest-

Idk how my drawing is going to compete qwq
Or maybe I’m overthinking everything .-.

Good luck to anyone who joined, I already looked at some people’s drawings because I wanted to see how everyone else is doing, and they all look great uwu This was fun to do, and my drawing looks decent so that’s good :’D ok Imma go now, goodbye people -w-

Also oof she haz knife- (iT’s BeCaUsE hEr ChArAcTeR iS sOmEtImeS EdGy qwq)


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