
The Implausible Ideal of Asian Beauty | Clarissa Guevara | TEDxMoreauCatholicHS

The Implausible Ideal of Asian Beauty | Clarissa Guevara | TEDxMoreauCatholicHS Trapped in a fixated image that defines the terms of social acceptability, and that the preconceived notion of beauty is the ideal definition of one’s worth - Asian beauty has constantly failed to defy the influences of colonization. Asian beauty standards have negatively impacted confidence and self-esteem levels, and have failed to represent all different types of Asians. Being a Filipino woman, Clarissa Guevarra uses her own personal struggle of trying to fit into the ideal conventional image and expresses the importance of individualism and self-love, as well as eliminating all beauty standards. Being apart of the Social Justice Leadership Program at Moreau Catholic High School, senior, Clarissa Guevarra, expresses her devotion in being a catalyst for change through her campaign, PERIOD @ Moreau Catholic HS (a movement to end menstrual poverty and stigma), and volunteering and leading retreats for her previous elementary school. She finds passion in the social justice issue of beauty standards through her experiences as a Filipino woman, as well as being a makeup enthusiast. She is speaking out about the dangers of Asian beauty standards, and expressing the importance of individualism. She combines her own personal journey and struggle of defining personal beauty against the media's failure to advocate for self-love. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

TEDxTalks,English,Life,Beauty,Change,Individualism,Self,Social Media,Youth,

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