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For any copyright, please send me a message. The thought of going months without a hair cut will have crossed many a man's mind over the last few weeks. With the prospect of barber shops being shut for the foreseeable future, some have taken to cutting their own hair or shaving it off to save the trouble. But others are embracing the rugged look, even challenging each other to see who can become the most 'undesirable' during the lockdown period. 'The Lockdown Challenge' is the brainchild of Tony Doyle, a PE teacher from Leigh. The rules are simple. Those taking part must not groom at all while the UK is on lockdown, and should post at least two photos a week to show their progress. Whoever is deemed the most undesirable at the end will win a prize. Mr Doyle, 35, explained: "A lot of people are off work and at home with people they love, so they can let their hair go and have a laugh at themselves. "I put a post on my Facebook last week saying the barbers is not going to be open any time soon so who fancies not grooming until it is over? "About 15 people got back and we all sent each other a selfie. One of the lads had been self-isolating for two weeks and his face was a picture." That gave Mr Doyle the idea to set a challenge. Initially he hoped men from across Leigh would sign up, but it has grown bigger than that. More than 12,000 men have joined the group's Facebook page since it was set up last week. "It has become bigger than I expected," Mr Doyle, 35, said. "The group is slowly becoming a haven where people can come and reach out, and have a bit of fun. "Men are a closed off bunch. In uncertain times they are used to keeping to themselves. "A guy posted in the group the other day to say he could not make heads or tails of the self-employed advice and within a few minutes he had loads of replies. It is great to see." But the challenge also has a more serious side. With the NHS under immense pressure from the pandemic, Mr Doyle is asking those taking part to donate money towards the service. So far, more than £5,000 has been raised, far more than the initial £1,000 target. But Mr Doyle, who works as a PE teacher for special needs pupils, so is deemed a key worker, is also proud of how the group has got men supporting each other during such an uncertain time. He said: "There are quite a few nurses in the group putting advice as well, which is helpful. "There is lot of information out there that is not reliable so it is handy to have the proper advice from people working in the NHS. Want more news from Wigan, Atherton or Leigh? Here's where you can find it. We now have a dedicated Facebook page bringing you all the latest news, events and community news in and around Wigan. To ke