
Wondering what to sell on eBay This Summer? Check out this eBay HOT SELLING Best Seller

Wondering what to sell on eBay This Summer? Check out this eBay HOT SELLING Best Seller Wondering what to sell on eBay This Summer?
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0:05 eBay Best Sellers this summer

In the following video, Ela will show us that Zik analytics product research can give us the information whether we are selling a great product or niche.

- In the dashboard of Zik Analytics website, click "product research" icon. Summer is right around the corner and a great product to sell from eBay in this upcoming season is an inflatable swimming pool. If you are looking for summer products to sell, you have found it! Type this in the search bar and click search. Select all items and click Zik selection. We need to see all the stats and information and go through it to show why this is a great item to sell at this moment.

We are focusing on the first 100 listings. The stats give us 1414% sell through rate which tells us that this is in demand. This stat actually will give us the information if there is enough buyer interested in the product that we are selling. Successful listings is 72%. This means that out of 100, 72 sold this item. The average product is $50.09.

Given these numbers, we can now conclude that this item is a great product to sell on eBay.

- On the list below, we have competitors that has high feedback scores, they have different prices and photos are different. So we don't have to find the same exact item to sell but make sure that the size and quality of the product are very close to these top sellers on eBay. We can get some information by clicking "scan seller" to get information from each seller. Be mindful of the information that we can get like the titles, prices, volume of sold items, location of the items, and pictures of the product.

Be aware as well of the repeating keywords of the title. You should use the Zik title builder from the other video to get the best long keyword ideas or generic keyword ideas to build the best title.

- Now that you have all then information of this specific product on Ebay, you can go to supplier and check what they have and make sure that what they offer is similar to these products that are being sold the most. Once you find a great product, list it for a reasonable price based on the stats and make sure that your title has all the right keywords
on it to get you to the top of the list of the top 100 sellers in eBay.

6:06 what to sell on eBay this summer

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