Menish Productions May 2020 Newsletter
A Brave New Fundraising World
As of May 1st, at least two nationwide auctioneers have raised more than $1 million dollars at individual virtual fundraising galas! For those of you unsure what a VFG is, it is a gala, conducted in a studio, broadcast over he internet to supporters who watch from their homes. And just like your regular gala, they can include a silent auction, live auction and fund a need with highly produced videos played to inspire, sponsors thanked by the auctioneer or host and it all equals successful fundraising during challenging times.
As of May 1st, we have 4 VFA’s scheduled and we expect that number to rapidly increase as this approach is more widely accepted. Especially as non-profits realize how successful and how inexpensive a VFA is to conduct compared to the overhead of a regular gala.
With the uncertainty of the fall season and Covid 19, even if you hold your gala, you may want to consider simulcasting your event for clients who are uncomfortable about attending. The VFA lessons learned this spring and summer can absolutely help you achieve record setting success this fall. Contact Bill Menish to learn more.
Written by Bill Menish
New Portal for all your Virtual Fundraising Needs
Menish Productions is compiling virtual fundraising tips, examples and materials for to help you. Many of you have been given invitations to see this google doc which is loaded daily with new, helpful information. If you would like an invitation, email bill@menishproductions.com
Be a TV Star and Take your Gala to a Huge New Audience
On Saturday, May 2nd, the NBC station in Portland, Oregon will partner with the Oregon Museum of Science to help them fundraise during these challenging times and our friend Johnna Wells is the auctioneer. “When we approached KGW with this idea, to host an hour long, PBS style telethon, including a modified live auction and Moment of Giving live on network TV, they were thrilled by the idea, and eager to launch into next steps to bring the vision to reality,” said Wells. “The episode will be a two hour, behind the scenes/fundraising event.”
Why do we share this? Because you should consider reaching out and partnering with your local television stations and we can help. As many of you know, Bill Menish, owner of Menish Productions was a broadcast journalist for 20 years. He still has the contacts and the no-how to reach out with you, or on your behalf to engage local TV stations to consider partnering with you. Let’s do this!