hello my friends it’s nina happy sunday! in this episode of not really studying with nina i decided to challenge myself by actually trying to speak korean in it as much as possible! i have been studying korean for the last 3 years, and i frequently study korean on my channel, so i just wanted to push myself to finally speak korean in a video. i’ve never spoken so much korean in front of a camera so it was interesting to see what i said and what my voice sounds like. i didn’t realize how,, dEEP my voice is in korean??,, HAHAHAAH
i hope this is just a fun time :) i mostly made this video for my own reference, in hopes that my korean becomes better over time of course. maybe i’ll come back to this video years later and see how much i’ve changed, HOPEFULLY!
i’m not fluent in korean so of course it’s not perfect and there will be grammatical/spelling errors! just gotta keep studying and practicing :)
thank you for watching and for being here and i will see you in my next video!!
i am donating the ad revenue of this video to multiple organizations & funds in support of the Black Lives Matter movement!:
a BLM carrd that provides links to petitions to sign, places to donate to, educational resources, info on how to protest safely, and more!:
a link to BLM carrds in different languages:
i have merch! no end date currently:
beige hoodie (size L):
use ‘OHNONINA’ for 10% off your purchase above $49 :)
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instagram: ninaeyu
tiktok: ninaeyu
spotify: neenzus
this video is not sponsored, but some links are affiliate links!