Maundy Thursday:
* 6 pm: High Mass
* 7:30 pm Tenebrae
Good Friday:
* 3 pm: Stations of the Cross
* 7:30 pm Tenebrae
Easter Sunday:
* 8 am Mass
* 10:30 am: High Mass
* 6:15 pm Vespers followed by Benediction
The Institute of Christ the King celebrates the classical Roman Liturgy, the “Traditional Latin Mass,” at the Sacred Heart Church, in the heart of Limerick, Ireland.
8 am: Low Mass
10:30 am: High Mass
6:15 pm: Vespers
7 pm: Adoration with prayers in time of an epidemic
Monday to Thursday:
8 am: Low Mass
7 pm: Low Mass followed by Adoration with prayers in time of an epidemic
8 am: Low Mass
7 pm: Low Mass followed by Stations of the Cross and prayers in time of an epidemic
8 am: Low Mass
12 noon: Low Mass
7 pm: Adoration with prayers in time of an epidemic
Sacred Heart Church
Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest
The Crescent
Limerick V94 HK29